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Using ClipNode for Masking Effects

In game development and graphic rendering, masking is a common technique used to control the visible area of images or scenes. In Dora SSR, we can easily achieve various masking effects using the ClipNode class. This tutorial will guide you through the process of using ClipNode to create masking effects based on shapes and images, with example code provided.

1. What is ClipNode?

ClipNode is a scene node class in Dora SSR used for setting clipping masks to control the visible area of child nodes. By specifying a mask node (stencil), ClipNode can clip the rendering of its child nodes based on the shape or transparency of the mask.

Main Properties of ClipNode

  • stencil: Defines the mask node that determines the clipping shape.
  • alphaThreshold: The alpha threshold for clipping mask pixels to take effect. The value ranges from 0 to 1, and only pixels with alpha values greater than this threshold will be included in the clipping.
  • inverted: Specifies whether to invert the clipping region. When set to true, the clipping area is swapped with the non-clipping area.

2. Example A: Using Arbitrary Shapes as a Mask

In the first example, we will use a star shape as a mask to clip the visible area of an animated model.

Step-by-Step Breakdown

  1. Create the Vertex Data for the Star Shape
local function StarVertices(radius, line)
-- Calculate the vertex coordinates of a star
local a = math.rad(36)
local c = math.rad(72)
local f = math.sin(a) * math.tan(c) + math.cos(a)
local R = radius
local r = R / f
local vecs = {}
local count = 1
for i = 9, line and -1 or 0, -1 do
local angle = i * a
local cr = i % 2 == 1 and r or R
vecs[count] = Vec2(cr * math.sin(angle), cr * math.cos(angle))
count = count + 1
-- Return the vertex array
return vecs
  1. Draw the Mask Shape
local maskA = DrawNode()
maskA:drawPolygon(StarVertices(160, false))

Here, we use DrawNode to create a star-shaped mask.

  1. Create the Animated Model
local targetA = Model("Model/xiaoli.model")
targetA.look = "happy"
targetA.fliped = true
-- Set the animation and movement path of the model
targetA:play("walk", true)
X(1.5, -200, 200), Event("Turn"),
X(1.5, 200, -200), Event("Turn")
), true
targetA:slot("Turn", function()
targetA.fliped = not targetA.fliped
  1. Create the ClipNode and Add Child Nodes
local clipNodeA = ClipNode(maskA)
clipNodeA.inverted = true

We pass the mask node maskA to ClipNode and add the animated model targetA as its child.

  1. Add to the Scene
local exampleA = Node()

Visual Effect

When you run the above code, you'll see that the model is only visible inside the star shape, and the parts outside the star are clipped.

3. Example B: Using Images and alphaThreshold for Masking

In the second example, we will use a model with transparency as a mask and use the alphaThreshold property to control the clipping effect.

Step-by-Step Breakdown

  1. Create the Mask Model
local maskB = Model("Model/xiaoli.model")
maskB.look = "happy"
maskB.fliped = true
maskB:play("walk", true)

Here, we use a model as the mask node.

  1. Create the Target Shape
local targetB = DrawNode()
targetB:drawPolygon(StarVertices(160, false))
-- Set the movement path of the target shape
X(1.5, -200, 200),
X(1.5, 200, -200)
), true
  1. Create the ClipNode and Set alphaThreshold
local clipNodeB = ClipNode(maskB)
clipNodeB.inverted = true
clipNodeB.alphaThreshold = 0.3

By setting alphaThreshold = 0.3, clipping only occurs where the mask model's pixels have an alpha value greater than 0.3.

  1. Add to the Scene
local exampleB = Node()

Visual Effect

When you run the code, you'll notice that the target shape is only visible in the non-transparent parts of the mask model, creating a clipping effect based on transparency.

4. Conclusion

Through these two examples, we've learned how to use ClipNode in Dora SSR to achieve various masking effects:

  • Example A shows how to use arbitrary shapes as a mask to clip the visible area of child nodes.
  • Example B demonstrates how to use the alphaThreshold property with images or models that have transparency for more advanced masking.


  • Using alphaThreshold: This property is very useful when the mask node has semi-transparent regions. It allows you to finely control which pixels participate in the clipping.
  • inverted Property: By toggling inverted, you can easily reverse the clipping region to achieve different visual effects.

We hope this tutorial helps you better understand and apply ClipNode in Dora SSR to create rich and varied masking effects. If you have any questions, feel free to check the official documentation or join the community discussions.